If a law?yer gives you her ?gaping?void busi?ness card, what does that tell?you?
Like Jeff says, that you?re not dea?ling with a nor?mal lawyer?
[You can get the biz?card design above here, and if you like the design well enough to hang it on your wall, the print is for sale here. Rock?on.]
I got the idea for gaping?void busi?ness cards when I was living in New York, when I dis?co?ve?red that I pre?fe?rred giving out my own, hand-drawn busi?ness cards to peo?ple, rather than the ho-hum busi?ness cards that my emplo?yer at the the time issued me?with.
Of course, after a while it became a lot of work, dra?wing them every time I met someone. Even?tually I star?ted get?ting them prin?ted. Then I thought, why not print them for other peo?ple? The rest is history?
I always thought there was a mar?ket for busi?ness cards that stood out. Cards that reflec?ted the per?so?na?lity of the per?son han?ding them out, cards that said, ?I?m not just one more ran?dom shmuck in a bar, doing the usual han?ding out his card to an equally ran?dom chick in a bar yada, yada,?yada.?
Living in New York, in a sea of other equally oppor?tu?ni?tist young peo?ple on the make, it was easy to be ?another ran?dom guy?. I don?t want to be that ran?dom guy. I wan?ted to be something else.
And it wor?ked. What star?ted out as an act of rebe?llion among the suits and hips?ters of Manhat?tan, tur?ned into a suc?cess?ful busi?ness and art career.
I?m having fun.?You?
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